Monday 22 August 2011

Classifying blogs.

There are a variety of manners to classify blogs. Here, I will compare two distinct systems of classifying blogs by Margaret Simons and ThinkQuest.  According to author and journalist Margaret Simmons, there are nine ways to differentiate one blog to another (Funnell, 2008). This includes the Pamphleteering, Digest, Advocacy, Popular Mechanics, Exhibition, Gatewatcher, Diary, Advertisement, and News blog. ThinkQuest is a website mainly focused on the blogging phenomenon (ThinkQuest, n.d.). To them, blogs are separated into seven forms which are the personal, collaborative, corporate, topical, spam, podcasts and videocasts, and the photologs blogs (ThinkQuest, n.d.).

            These two classification systems look at different things. Personally, I would have to say that the classification system by ThinkQuest is a better classification method. This is because I feel that their classification system applies better on many blogs that exist today. Parts of their classification system include podcasts, videocasts, and photologs which were not included and explained in Simons’ classification system. Photologs refer to a system of blogging where instead of words; pictures are the main content (ThinkQuest, n.d.). 

This is an example of a videocast, or vlogging:
 Source: Mr M's Videblogs

This is an example of a photolog: 

    Source: Premium Theme Info

I came to this decision by looking at the style and format in their classification system. Even so, it does not mean that one classification system is more superior than the other. At the end of the day, we decide for ourselves which classification method works best for us.   


Funnell, Anthony 2008, A taxamony of blogs, The Media Report, viewed 20 August 2011, <>.

Blogging: The Phenomenon n.d., ThinkQuest, n.d., viewed 20 August 2011, <>.

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